Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The church has been called hypocritcal for as long as I can remember and way before that. People who do not know God or Jesus, look at the people in the chuch and often think what hypocrites. However, we are all hyporcrites. Just because we go to church does not mean we are free from sin or better than anyone else. It does not mean we do not struggle or hurt or yell or mess up in life. It just means we are forgiven.
The worst part is that the church today is trying to conform to this world instead of aligning with the bible. It is easier to say this is ok and that is ok and we accept your sin then to be outright with what is truth. The truth hurts. And we are called to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ, not followers when it is easy. We are not supposed to be of the world. We are meant to be the salt of the earth the light of the world! Where is this light? Sometimes I find churchs dimming their light and losing their saltiness just because its easier.
Christ did not say that once you become a Christian, life becomes easy. Or that life will be like a bed of roses. Or that you will be perfect. The funny thing is that God said it would be quite the opposite. It will be hard. We will face persecutions. We may lose friends, family, and find ourselves almost alone. But God does promise us more. He will ALWAYS be there even in the midst of a dark room, he can be that one little light in the corner.
So here I say to you Church, stand up for what is right, biblically. Do not be afraid! God is with us. Emmanuel. There is more to life then appeasing the people around us. But please God and be faithful to Him alone. After all, He was crucified!
Is the church full of hypocrites? YES. Am I sometimes a hypocriet? Absolutely. But aren't we all. All of us are sinners, all need saving, some of us choose to be saved, some of us do not. The church will always be full of hypocrites but please do not judge God because his people are sinners.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

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