Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dark Moments full of Light

I'm back again and this time to warn you what you read may not be the most joyful words. So I start off with a simple question...Do you have have those moments where the reality of death is so close you can feel it? Or that you have a moment of realization where you realize that you are not invincible and have no guarantee of tomorrow? Just because you have questions like that doesn't mean you are depressed. It doesn't mean your crazy. It doesn't mean your stupid. It means your human and the realization that one day this world will come to an end is truth. Sadly, death surrounds us! Everyday someone dies and sometimes that person is someone we know and love. God has blessed me in that I have not had to deal with death very often around my family or friends. But there have been those moments and inevitably there will be more. Sometimes thinking of it, is so depressing and scary that I could cry. Or when I see someone weeping over a lost loved one I too find myself weeping because of their pain.
These are questions you should ask yourself on occasion just to keep yourself in check, to make sure you are living the right way, and ready for the day this world will end. Like I said in the beginning, I warned you that this blog wasn't the most uplifting.
But before I leave you down and depressed, let me leave you with a little bit of hope. When I think about death, the only thing that can give me hope is knowing that when I die God has prepared a place for me in heaven through the grace and sacrifice of His son. You may not believe in God or heaven or Jesus Christ or you may believe something else. But this I tell you is the truth, God is real, He loves you, and is waiting for you to figure this all out. Don't wait, don't delay. I find hope in my salvation and even the darkest of days surrounded by death cannot deter the faith God has given me.

"Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through Me"
John 14:6

Signing Off,

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