Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Actually it is four days away! I have to say that Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love the food and especially seeing my whole family. We never all get together except for big holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, and the occasional special events like weddings or birthdays. I guess in comparison to some families that may be a lot of family time together. However, I do wish it was more. My Mammaw cooks all this great food (and I mean all of it) and all the grand kids usually play games together. We have ages fifteen to twenty nine. There are no great grandchildren yet but they will be coming along soon. If I had money to bet, I'd bet that when Andrew and I get married, we will have kids before any of my older cousins. That thought always makes me giggle.
Then on Saturday I get to celebrate another Thanksgiving at my Grandmamma and Granddaddy's house. It is quite a different story over there. The only grandchildren they have are my brother and me. So as you can imagine its much more quiet. At my Mammaw and Pappaw's house, there are eight grandchildren plus there families. Its not huge but it is definitely a full house. So there is a big difference.
I actually kind of enjoy the difference because it lets me appreciate the different types of families and to have two totally different Thanksgiving experiences.
Finally I celebrate, at least these past two years, with Andrew's family. They are actually even bigger than my Mammaw and Pappaw's family. They are already at the great grandchildren stage so there are a bunch of little children running around as well.
Overall, looking at all the different Thanksgivings I have, I feel really blessed. I have a whole bunch of family that I love very much and enjoy so much to see them. It is such a blessing to get together and celebrate. I cannot wait to see everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Taylor,
    Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays too. I'm sad that I won't be at Mammaw's and Pappaw's house this year, but I'll have my mom and daughters and their husbands here at my house with me. The boys will be here for part of the day and spend part of the day at Mammaw's and Pappaw's. I wish things were different, but that's up to your uncle, not me. Please pray for us!
